
Red Roses Black Wrap Bouquet


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Say “I love you” with a classic and perfect romantic gift: the Red Roses Black Wrap Bouquet. This Korean style romantic black wrapped bouquet is a great contemporary choice and sure to make anyone feel the love with its magnificence.

Beautifully clustered together, this bright red bouquet is wrapped in a classic black wrap and tied with a modern, red bow, for a striking, yet stylish contrast. Nestled in the paper and bow you will find an additional accent of fresh babies breath. Each of the roses in this bouquet has been cut at the peak of its vivacity, to ensure that the recipient will enjoy their beauty for up to two weeks.

This fun and modern twist to the traditional rose bouquet is not only inspired, but is sure to be a cherished gift to any recipient. Make someone’s day with a flower-filled surprise of the Red Roses Black Wrap Bouquet. Sending flowers is easy with this beautiful bouquet specially designed for any special occasion.

Recipients will be thrilled to receive a perfectly designed flower arrangement meant to express all their heartfelt feelings. Give the classic gift of love with the Red Roses Black Wrap Bouquet, the ultimate romantic surprise and a sure way to show just how much someone is adored.